In late 2010, the Monterey County Hospitality Association (MCHA) formed a Water Task Force to address the issue of current and future water rates charged to commercial business owners and to address the State Water Resources Control Board Cease and Desist Order against California American Water Co. (Cal Am) ordering drastic reductions in pumping from the Carmel River. In early 2011 it sponsored a Community Water Forum to educate the business community on the importance of the situation. The three main goals for the forum were these:
- share what MCHA had learned;
- share information gathered; and
- review how the business community on the Peninsula could work together in a balanced effort to have one strong voice on water issues.
The principal accomplishment of this effort was formation of a strong coalition of Peninsula businesses and community organizations, formally organized in mid-2011 dedicated to shared concerns regarding securing an adequate and sustainable long-term water supply solution at the most reasonable cost.