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Workforce Housing

As the cost of living continues to rise in California and on the Monterey Peninsula, housing is at the core.

MCHA Position

We strive to:

  • Work with the county and cities to ease restrictions to build workforce housing and affordable rentals for hospitality workers, including a fair and affordable process for building accessory dwelling units,
  • Resume effort on workforce housing working committee.
  • Clearly define affordable housing and emphasize the need of a water source to support rentals on the Peninsula.
  • Establish a comprehensive Short-Term Rental Ordinance that includes a fair playing field for our hotel and motel industry. Short Term Rentals are a growing threat to the hospitality industry. Not only are they in direct competition with our lodging partners without the significant regulations we must adhere to, every residential property that is converted to a short-term rental is one less rental for our workforce. We are already facing a severe housing shortage, and STR’s only make it worse. We will continue to be part of the policy-making process in the cities and at the county level to ensure the best outcomes possible for hospitality operators and workforce.
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